Source code for lib.gerrit

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import subprocess
import json
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Gerrit(object): def __init__(self, server): self.server = server self.cmd = ( 'ssh', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', self.server, '-p', '29418', 'gerrit', )
[docs] def generate_cmd(self, action, *options): cmd = list(self.cmd) cmd.append(action) cmd.extend(options) return cmd
[docs] def review(self, commit, project, message, review=None, verify=None, ci=None): gerrit_cmd = self.generate_cmd( 'review', commit, '--message="%s"' % message, '--project=%s' % project, ) if verify is not None: gerrit_cmd.append('--verified=%s' % str(verify)) if review is not None: gerrit_cmd.append('--code-review=%s' % str(review)) if ci is not None: gerrit_cmd.append('--continuous-integration=%s' % str(ci))"Running gerrit_cmd:%s" % gerrit_cmd) cmd = subprocess.Popen(gerrit_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = cmd.communicate() if cmd.returncode: raise Exception("Execution of %s returned %d:\n%s" % (' '.join(gerrit_cmd), cmd.returncode, err)) return 0
[docs] def query( self, query, all_approvals=False, all_reviewers=False, comment=False, commit_message=False, current_patch_set=False, dependencies=False, files=False, patch_sets=False, start=0, submit_records=False, out_format='json' ): cmd_params = [ '--format=%s' % out_format, '--start=%d' % start, ] flags = [ 'all_approvals', 'all_reviewers', 'comment', 'commit_message', 'current_patch_set', 'dependencies', 'files', 'patch_sets', 'submit_records' ] for flag in flags: if vars().get(flag, False): cmd_params.append('--' + flag.replace('_', '-')) cmd_params.extend([ '--', query ]) gerrit_cmd = self.generate_cmd( 'query', *cmd_params ) logger.debug("Executing %s" % ' '.join(gerrit_cmd)) cmd = subprocess.Popen( gerrit_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) out, err = cmd.communicate() if cmd.returncode: raise Exception( "Execution of %s returned %d:\n%s" % ( ' '.join(gerrit_cmd), cmd.returncode, err ) ) if out_format == 'json': res = [] try: for line in out.splitlines(): res.append(json.loads(line)) except ValueError: logger.error("Unable to decode json from:\n%s" % line) raise else: res = out return res
[docs] def query_patchsets(self, *args, **kwargs): res = self.query(*args, **kwargs) if not res: raise Exception('Error trying to get patches:\n%s' % res) return res[0].get('patchSets', [])
[docs]class Change:
[docs] @staticmethod def has_code_change(change): return change.get('kind', None) != 'NO_CODE_CHANGE'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ci_value(change, by_users=None): """ Get the global patchset CI flag value, taking into account that +1 is more prioritary than -1 :param change: dict with the change info as returned by Gerrit.query :param by_users: list of user names whose reviews will be taken into account to calculate the global value, if empty or None will not filter the reviewers """ by_users = by_users or [] ci_values = Change.get_flag_values( change=change, flag_name='Continuous-Integration', by_users=by_users, ).values() # calculate the sum of the values, +1 has priority cur_ci = 0 for value in ci_values: if value < 0: cur_ci = value if value > 0: return value return cur_ci
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ci_reviewers_name(change): return Change.get_reviewers_name( change=change, flag_name='Continuous-Integration', )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_flag_values(change, flag_name, by_users=None): """ :param change: dict with the change info as returned by Gerrit.query :param flag_name: Name of the flag to get the review values for :param by_users: List of users to filter the reviews by, if empty or not set will get them all """ by_users = by_users or [] approvals = change.get('approvals', []) # if any more recent change has ci flag by given users, take that return dict( (approval.get('by').get('name'), int(approval.get('value'))) for approval in approvals if approval.get('type') == flag_name and ( (by_users and approval.get('by').get('name') in by_users) or not by_users ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_reviewers_name(change, flag_name): approvals = change.get('approvals', []) return [ approval.get('by').get('name') for approval in approvals if approval.get('type') == flag_name ]