Bash libraries


Helpful functions to handle bugzilla service interactions


bz get_bug(bug_id)

Get’s the bug_id bug json information from cache, or if not cached, from the server.

  • bug_id: id of the bug to retrieve
Return Value
  • 0:

bz update_bug(bug_id, data...)

Updates the given bug.

  • bug_id: id of the bug to update
  • data...: Each of the post parameters to send (usually as name=value).
Return Value
  • 0: if the bug was updated
  • 1: if it was not updated

bz is_revert(commit)

Checks if the given commit is a revert.

  • commit: refspec of the commit to check (default=HEAD)
Return Value
  • 0: if the given commit is a revert
  • 1: otherwise

bz get_bug_id(commit)

Extracts the bug ids from the Bug-Url in the given commit.

If the patch is a ‘revert’, it extracts the bug from the reverted commit
  • commit: refspec to get the bug from

bz login(bz_user, bz_password)

Logs into bugzilla if not logged in already.

    -b bug_id
      If you pass a bug_id, the token for that bug will already be set and
      cached for further reference

    -s server_url
      Use that url instead of the one in the config file
      ( by default)

Configuration parameters:
     full url to the bugzilla server

  • bz_user: User to log into bugzilla
  • bz_password: Password

bz get_bug_flags(bugid)

Retrieves all the ‘+’ flags of the given bug.

  • bugid: Id of the bug to get the flags from

bz get_bug_status(bugid)

Retrieves the current status of the bug.

  • bugid: Id of the bug to retrieve

bz check_flags(bugid, flagspecs...)

Checks that all the flags exist with ‘+’ in the given bug.

  • bugid: Id of the bug to check the flags for
  • flagspecs...: can be a single flag or a sequence ot flags separated by ‘|’ to express that those flags are interchangeable, for example flag2|flag2_bis

bz add_tracker(bug_id, tracker_id, external_id, description)

Add a new external bug to the external bugs list.

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to update
  • tracker_id: This is the internal tracker id that bugzilla assigns to each external tracker (RHEV gerrit -> 82, oVirt gerrit -> 81)
  • external_id: Id for the bug in the external tracker
  • description: Description to add to the external tracker

bz update_fixed_in_version(bug_id, fixed_in_version)

Update fixed in version field.

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to update
  • fixed_in_version: New value for the fixed in version field

bz update_status_and_version(bug_id, bug_status, fixed_in_version, resolution)

Update fixed in version field plus the status field.

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to update
  • bug_status: New value for the status field
  • fixed_in_version: New value for the fixed in version field
  • resolution: New value for the resolution

bz update_status(bug_id, new_status, commit_id, resolution)

Legal status transitions:

If it's a revert any source status is allowed

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to update
  • new_status: New status to set the bug to, only the allowed transitions will end in a positive result (return code 0)
  • commit_id: Id of the commit that should change the status of this bug
  • resolution: In case that the status is CLOSED, the resolution is needed

bz get_external_bugs(bug_id, external_name)

  • bug_id: Id of the parent bug
  • external_name: External string to get the bugs from. If none given it will get all the external bugs. Usually one of:
    • oVirt gerrit
    • RHEV gerrit

bz clean()

Cleans up all the cached config and data. Make sure that your last scripts calls it before exitting.

bz get_product(bug_id)

Prints the product name of the given bug.

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to get info about

bz get_classification(bug_id)

Print the classification of the given bug.

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to get info about

bz is_private(bug_id)

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to check
Return Value
  • 0: if it’s private
  • 1: otherwise

bz get_target_milestone(bug_id)

Print the target milestone of the bug.

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to get info about

bz get_target_release(bug_id)

Print the target release of the bug.

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to get info about

bz check_target_release(bug_id, branch, tr_match, branch_name)


 bz.check_target_release 1234 master 'master|3\.3.*' 'master|!3\.[21].*'

 That will check that the bug 1234 target release matches:
  And does not match:

  So 3.3.0 or 3.3 will pass but 3.2 and will not

  • bug_id: Id of the bug to check the target_release of
  • branch: Name of the current branch
  • tr_match: Tuple in the form ‘branch_name|[!]regexp’
  • branch_name: name of the branch that should check the regexp
        regular expresion to match the target release against, if preceded
         with '!' the expression will be negated
Return Value
  • 1: if the target release and branch defined in tr_match configuration variable do not match the given bug’s target release

bz check_target_milestone(bug_id, branch, tm_match, branch_name)


  bz.check_target_milestone 1234 master 'master|3\.3.*' 'master|!3\.[21].*'

  That will check that the bug 1234 target milestone matches:
  And does not match:

  So 3.3.0 or 3.3 will pass but 3.2 and will not
Return Value
  • 1: if the target milestone and branch defined in tm_match configuration variable do not match the given bug’s target milestone
  • bug_id: Id of the bug to get the target_milestone from
  • branch: Name of the current branch
  • tm_match: Tuple in the form branch_name|[!]regexp
  • branch_name: name of the branch that should check the regexp
        regular expresion to match the target milestone against, if preceded
         with '!' the expression will be negated


Helper configuration functions

Configuration types

There are two types of configurations taken into account, static and

Static configuration

Static configurations store those values that will persist after each
execution of the hooks, for example users and passwords.

Temporary configurations

Some hooks use temporary configurations to store values for other hooks to
recover, for example, when storing cookies.

Configuration hierarchy

It will source the configuration files in order, skipping any non-existing
ones. The paths where it will look for them are, in source order (the most
prioritary first)::

* $hook_path/$event_type.$chain.conf
* $hook_path/$event_type.conf
* $hook_path/$chain.conf
* $hook_path/conf
* $GERRIT_SITE/hooks/conf
* $HOME/hook/conf
* $hook_path/../../../hooks/conf

When running in gerrit, the $hook_path is usually the git repository of the
project the event was triggered for, for example::



conf _get_conf_files()

Print all the available configuration files from less relevant to more relevant.

conf _get_conf_file()

Print current’s hook config file.

conf get(name, default)

Prints the given key from the config.


-c conf_file
  Use that config file
the return code is 1 when the value is not found in the config files, and if specified outputs the default value too
  • name: Name of the key to get the value for
  • default: Default value if not found

conf put(name, value)

Writes the given name/value to the configuration.


-c conf_file
  Use that config file

  • name: Key to store the conf value under
  • value: Value to store

conf load()

Loads the config files from less specific to most so the latest prevails, all the conf entries are loaded as vars.


-c conf_file
  Use that config file

conf t_put(key, value)

Temporary config file functions, for the current executione.

  • key: Key to store
  • value: Value to store Store the given key/value to temporary storage

conf t_get(key, default)

Print the given key from temporary storage.

  • key: Key to store
  • default: Default value to print if not found

conf t_load()

load the temporary config

conf t_clean()

Cleanup the temporary config related temporary files.


Helpful functions to manage gerrit related actions


gerrit get_patch(patch_id)

Print the bug info.

it is cached for faster access
  • patch_id: Patch id to retrieve info, as in 1234 (don’t confuse with the change id)

gerrit is_related(commit)

Check if the patch has the Related-To tag.

  • commit: Refspec to check
Return Value
  • 0: if it did not have it
  • 1: otherwise

gerrit parse_params()

Parse all the parameters as env variables, leave the rest as positional args.

gerrit.parse_params --param1 val1 param2 --param-3 val3
    => [[ param1 == "val1" ]] \
       && [[ param_3 == "val3" ]] \
       && [[ "$1" == "param2" ]]

gerrit review(result, message, project, commit)

Write a review, it will use the env commit and project vars, as set by parse_params.

  • result: Value for the verified flag (1, 0, -1)
  • message: Message for the comment
  • project: Gerrit project that owns the commit
  • commit: Refspec for the commit of the patch to write a review for

gerrit status(id)

Print the status of the given patch.

  • id: Patch id to get the status for

gerrit is_open(id)

Check if a patch is open.

  • id: Patch id to check
Return Value
  • 0: if the patch is open
  • 1: otherwise

gerrit clean(nothing)

Clean up all the temporary files for the current run.

  • nothing: No parameters needed

gerrit get_branches(pattern)

Print the list of branches for the current project.

  • pattern: If passed, will filter out branches by that pattern (shell-like)


Helpful miscellaneous functions


tools is_in(value, elem1...)

  • value: Value to look for
  • elem1...: Elements to look among if a value is in the given list of elements

tools trim()

Remove the leading and trailing white spaces.

tools sanitize(word...)

Replace all the bad characters from the given word to fit a bash variable name specification.

  • word...: list of words to sanitize

tools hash(what, length)

Get a simple md5 hash of the given string.

  • what: Base string for the hash
  • length: Max length for the hash, (default=10)

tools log(message...)

logs the given strings to stderr

  • message...: list of messages to log

tools review(cr, ver, msg)

print a review message with the format expeted by the hook dispatcher

  • cr: Value for the Code Review flag
  • ver: Value for the Verified flag
  • msg: Message for the review comment

tools match(base_string, match_string)

  • base_string: String to check for a match
  • match_string: Tuple in the form ‘[!]regexp’
              regular expresion to match the base string against, if preceded
               with '!' the expression will be negated
      tools.match 3.2.1 'master|3\.3.*' 'master|!3\.[21].*'
      That will check that the string 3.2.1 matches:
      And does not match:
Return Value
  • TOOLS_MATCHES|0: if the base_string matches all of the match_string passed
  • TOOLS_DOES_NOT_MATCH: if it does not match because of a positive match
  • TOOLS_SHOULD_NOT_MATCH: if it was because of a negative match (started with !)

tools ver_cmp(version1, version2)


tools.ver_cmp 3.2.1 3.3

Return Value
  • TOOLS_VERCMP_EQUAL: if the versions are the same
  • TOOLS_VERCMP_GT: if version1 > version2
  • TOOLS_VERCMP_LT: if version1 < version2
  • version1: String with the first version to compare (must be in the form X.Y(.Z)? where X, Y and Z are numbers)
  • version2: String with the second version to compare (must be in the form X.Y(.Z)? where X, Y and Z are numbers)

dir /home/docs/checkouts/
dir /home/docs/checkouts/