Some tips on configuring the hooks

NOTE: make sure to check the latest docs for each programming language under the bash libs or python libs pages, in the libs sections

As specified in the bash libs section, the hooks can get their config from multiple places, the most common pattern is to have a generic configuration file and a per-project one (both are supported also by the python hooks, any other is bash-specific, more on than on Bash hooks).

So usually you’d have a config file under /home/gerrit2/review_site/hooks with the general options, like admin email and such. For a list of the needed options check on the hooks section for whichever hooks you have configured.

That file should be a valid shell script, as it will be sourced on runtime and right now there’s a limitation that all the values must be on the same line as the variable name (for python hooks to pick them up).

For example:

## Credentials to use when connecting to bugzilla

## Gerrit credentials/url used to review the patches (through ssh cli)

## Tracker id on bugzilla for the autotracker hook
## 81 -> oVirt gerrit
TRACKER_NAME="oVirt gerrit"

PRODUCTS=('oVirt' 'Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager')

If there’s anything that’s specific for a project (like branches and tags) that will go under the project’s git repo, under hooks/cofing, for example, if the project was named ovirt-engine.git, the config file at /home/gerrit2/review_site/git/ovirt-engine.git/hooks/config might be:

## Branches to take into account
BRANCHES=('ovirt-engine-3.6' 'ovirt-engine-3.6.0' 'ovirt-engine-3.6.1' 'ovirt-engine-3.6.2')
STABLE_BRANCHES="ovirt-engine-3.6 ovirt-engine-3.6.5 ovirt-engine-3.6.6"

Those values will be available only to hooks for that project, and will override any parameter in the more generic config (like PRODUCT here).

Bash hooks

If you are using bash hooks, there are a few more levels of config supported, those are:

  • Per project + chain, for example::
  • Per project + chain + event, like::
  • Per project + chain + event + hook::

Those are not used usually and are meant only for very specific cases.